FBA Early Career Member Network

Through the FBA Early Career Member Network (ECMN) FBA wish to improve the support we give to early-career researchers and practitioners.

‘Early-career’ refers to anyone who is:

  • in education, who finished their terminal degree (e.g. BSc, MSc or PhD) or other education < 8  years ago and/or who has yet to secure their first permanent post

  • in the first 5 years of their practitioner career

  • is returning to academia or work after a career break

Our ambition is that ECMN members benefit from career-related support, and our Fellows and staff are well-placed to provide such support.

If you are an existing member of FBA (meeting the above criteria) we invite you to join the new FBA Early Career Member Network (ECMN), by sending info@fba.org.uk an email with the title ECM Network and including your name, role, institution/employer (or other organisation, if you have one) and email address.

Invitation for new members to join FBA and the ECMN

We are also seeking new members to join FBA and the ECMN and are delighted to announce a discounted ECN annual membership rate of £20 (from £41) that includes the following benefits:

  • Access to bursaries for research and attendance at conferences

  • 50% discount rate to attend the FBA Annual Scientific Meetings

  • 15% discount on FBA training courses

  • 20% discount on FBA publications

  • Opportunity to join exclusive ECM networking and workshop events

  • Networking links to the European Federation of Freshwater Sciences early career network (European Fresh Young Researchers)

  • Monthly FBA Newsletter updates

We hope that the ECM Network will meet regularly with FBA Staff and Fellows contributing as invited, for example by offering informal mentoring; representing different (e.g. academic and industry) perspectives at careers events; attending webinars; accessing training opportunities.

Network updates in will feature in FBA social media channels #FBAECMN and editions of our monthly new letter ‘FBA Voice’.

We are also planning an Early Career Member event at Nottingham Trent University on Thursday June 26, the day after our Annual Scientific Meeting.

This free event will be a great opportunity to:

  • Network with your peers, FBA fellows and external organisations

  • Share and received feedback on your research and conservation work

  • Help shape the future development of the network and training / career development opportunities

If you would like to help organise the establishment and running of the ECM Network and /or the ECMN event, please email FBA Executive Director, Simon Johnson.

FBA ASM 2025 & opportunity for ECM bursaries

The FBA Annual Scientific Meeting is an in-person only event at Nottingham Trent University’s Clifton Campus on Wednesday 25 June 2025.

This conference-style event will include keynotes from Steve Ormerod (Cardiff University), Michelle Jackson (University of Oxford), Dave Tickner (WWF-UK) and Julia Martin-Ortega (University of Leeds). The ASM will additionally showcase the research and practice of other FBA members including staff, early career scientists and fellows.

Through the Richard Chadd Fund, we are able to offer a number of bursaries to enable student and early career FBA members to attend the ASM.

To apply, please send (1) a personal statement explaining your motivation for applying, how you will participate, what you hope to achieve through attendance and how much you are applying for (with cost breakdown) (<500 words); (2) a career / research summary (<500 words) to Simon Johnson, FBA Executive Director:

  • Applications should be submitted by Friday 4th April

  • Applicants will be notified by email by Friday 18th April

  • The bursary panel will comprise members of the ASM Organising Committee

“We have a tremendous array of speakers from a diversity of backgrounds including early career researchers and senior academics. Speakers will be focusing on a variety of topics and issues facing freshwaters and I am sure questions, discussions and poster sessions will be inspiring, thought-provoking and lively!”

– Simon Johnson, FBA Executive Director

The FBA Annual Scientific Meeting 2025 is at Nottingham Trent University’s Clifton Campus