Make a Donation to FBA
The Freshwater Biological Association provides important information services, training and conservation work within the realm of freshwater.
We believe that our work is necessary to ensure a healthy future for our river and lake habitats. As a registered charity we rely on the generosity of our donors and our membership base in order to carry out this work. If you choose to support us, your donation will be making a difference for our freshwaters and all who use them.
Donations at FBA are through Donorbox
We need your help to do more…
The conservation work that we do is incredibly important to fresh water as a whole and is part-funded by generous organisations, donors and our membership base, however, funding to continue the project is constantly in threat.
Any gift of any amount will make a difference, and you can decide where it goes!
There are a number of routes within the organisation that your kind donation can take. You could help us in continuing to conserve endangered pearl mussel populations, or support a budding freshwater scientist in their studies by contributing to one of our bursaries.
Many thanks for your support!