Linda May
Leader of the Freshwater Restoration & Sustainability Group at CEH
Linda became interested in freshwater ecology at her school, which included an old fish pond that was once part of St Augustine’s Abbey. As a post graduate, she completed a PhD on the ecology of rotifers, focusing mainly on their role as indicators of water quality. She still coordinates International Rotifer Symposia and has recently established a virtual special interest group that links early career researchers with established rotiferologists across more than 25 countries.
More recently, her research has focused on the causes and effects of water quality problems in temperate and tropical lakes, and the effective use of scientific evidence to inform their successful restoration and sustainable management. She is now exploring the impact of climate change on freshwater systems, especially its effects on water temperature and algal blooms.
Linda currently leads the Freshwater Restoration and Sustainability Group at the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology and manages the Loch Leven long term monitoring project.