European Federation of Freshwater Science

We are proud to be a member of the European Federation for Freshwater Sciences (EFFS)

The aims and objectives of EFFS are directed towards the promotion of freshwater sciences throughout Europe, through facilitating improved communication and collaboration among scientists, through the convening of scientific symposia (Symposia for European Freshwater Sciences, or SEFS) and other joint meetings and thought extending the benefits of learned-society membership to European nations where no such national organisation exists.

FBA, as a founding member of the European Federation for Freshwater Sciences (EFFS), is looking forward to hosting a symposium that not only brings together the European freshwater community for a conference, but fosters long-term, international collaboration and partnerships.

Symposia for European Freshwater Sciences 2023

In June 2023 FBA will be hosting the bi-annual Symposium of European Freshwater Sciences at Newcastle University.

As a founding member of the European Federation for Freshwater Sciences (EFFS), we look forward to hosting a symposium that not only brings together the European freshwater community for a conference, but fosters long-term, international collaboration and partnerships. We aim to deliver a comprehensive traditional program of parallel and poster sessions as well as exciting opportunities to experience the best of what England has to offer from its rich and diverse habitats  and exciting culture during our conference excursions

We also have strong links to the Australian Freshwater Sciences Society and Society for Freshwater Science in the USA.
