Training with the FBA
With 85 years of scientific expertise you know you'll be in capable hands
Join our specialist tutors and discover the fascinating world of freshwater plants and animals in more detail than ever before. By participating in one of our training events, you could learn to identify freshwater life and develop your understanding of sampling and monitoring the freshwater environment. We offer a range of courses specially developed for beginners, enthusiasts and professionals.
Leading freshwater biologists and experts in their fields, and internationally-renowned anglers will offer you expert instruction and fantastic insight into specific areas of the freshwater realm, including freshwater plants and invertebrates, as well as general freshwater ecology. Through attendance at an FBA course you can expect to gain valuable knowledge that will improve your skills in the study of freshwater, whether you are already in the field or an enthusiast looking to expand your learning. Our courses are appropriately appraised from 'Beginner' through to 'Accredited' (where available), allowing you to choose the course that suits you perfectly.
Training is carried out at either our Windermere or Dorset field sites - two stunning locations that offer unique biological life and a wealth of diversity in freshwater habitats. For courses of 2 days duration or more, we provide our attendees with lunch, and can recommend local accommodation offered at special prices to FBA trainees.
FBA Courses 2024
Want to learn more?
Before booking why not become a member of the FBA to take advantage of member discounts on course fees, as well as gaining further insights into the fascinating world of fresh waters.