Antonio Camacho
Professor of Ecology at University of Valencia
Antonio Camacho PhD, is Head of the Limnology Group at the Cavanilles Institute for Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology and Full Professor on Ecology at the University of Valencia (Spain).
Currently, his main research and university teaching is associated to basic and applied aspects of Aquatic Ecology. Basic research is mainly related to the functional ecology of lakes and wetlands and its interplay with climate change, as well as the microbial and molecular ecology and diversity of such ecosystems, including the biogeochemistry of the carbon cycle. Applied aspects of his research mainly deal with the development of methodologies for the evaluation of ecological status of lenític ecosystems and the conservation and restoration of aquatic ecosystems and on water quality (from remote sensing to the molecular level), mainly related to European Directives such as the Habitats and the Water Framework Directives, as well as the enhancement of the role of Mediterranean wetlands in carbon sequestration.
Apart of several research stays in Universities and Research Centres from Europe and America, he led five Antarctic expeditions where multinational teams composed by researchers of 15 different countries made joint research on the functioning of terrestrial freshwater Antarctic ecosystems. Dr Camacho is co-author of more than 150 research papers in peer-review scientific journals and books, as well as of near 300 papers presented in scientific meetings. He is nowadays the Chairperson of the European Federation for Freshwater Sciences, which associates the scientific societies on this discipline in Europe holding several thousands of members, as well as the former Head of the Earth & Environmental Sciences Division of the European Academy of Sciences, the former President of the Iberian Limnological Association, and has been elected as Fellow of the Freshwater Biological Association (FBA).