Ian Wallace
Recorder and Curator of UK Trichoptera Species
Ian has been interested in caddisflies (Trichoptera), as adults, and in the immature stages, for quite some time. Although he spent much of career as a general invertebrate zoologist, at Liverpool Museum, Ian was one of the early experts on Riverfly courses and has always had a passion for caddis.
He has notably been interested in their UK distribution, conservation, and biology, and has enjoys telling people at all levels and in various situations about caddis and other freshwater invertebrates. Ian has written keys to help expand the knowledge of enthusiasts and experts, and wrote the first comprehensive UK Cased Caddis larva key, which incorporated information hitherto not known to science.
Fully retired from a curatorial job at World Museum Liverpool, Ian now organises the UK Caddis Distribution Scheme for the Biological Records Centre and has recently submitted 440,000 records that appear on maps of the National Biodiversity Network. He is working towards a printed UK Caddis Atlas with accounts of species biology, and is writing keys to up-date the current FBA Caseless Caddis Larva Key. Further interests include mobilising distribution data, and taking part in Bioblitzes.