Roger Sweeting
Roger is a biologist with a vast experience in the management of the aquatic environment, with particular emphasis on indicators of ecological health and environmental change.
He began studying fish parasites during his PhD, and continued to explore the relationship between fish and their environment into his Post-doctoral Fellowship. He has been working with freshwater fish and their health for many years and this has included growth, parasites, water quality and environmental parameters as well as conditions of culture.
More recently, his focus has been on fish health examinations, water quality issues and life cycles of their parasites. This work has led him more into working with a more harmless parasite: the freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera). Roger has been integral in the running of the FBA Ark project since 2007, carrying out investigations into the pearl mussel life cycle and man’s effects on its distribution, as well as reporting on many other aspects of their habitat.